
Boiler Maintenance and Turnaround Services for Heat Exchanger Maintenance

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Boiler Maintenance and Turnaround Services for Heat Exchanger Maintenance

When a tube bundle issue or other problem arises with a heat exchanger, you need Altex boilermaker turnaround services can help. Our experienced technicians can quickly diagnose the issue and provide the necessary repairs. Here are some of the things you should know about the processes for boilermaker turnaround services for boilers and heat exchangers.

Unbolting Flanges

The process of unbolting a heat exchanger disassembly begins by removing the boltings that hold the channel (bonnet) or channel cover (dollar plate) tubes in place. Once the boltings are removed, the technician can remove the cover(s) and access the tube sheet face of the bundle. work to free the tubes from the frame.

Most industrial-grade bolts will release other tension in the frame during the process, causing some shifts. To compensate, technicians will observe the tubes and listen for any major moves to avoid causing changes to the frame or other components. On occasion, bolting will be seized and impossible to remove normally.  Altex has the equipment and expertise to cut, remove, and repair damaged and seized studs.

Removing The Tube Bundle

Once the channel cover is removed, a decision can be made as to if the tube bundle needs to be removed for further inspection and repair.  If removal is required, Altex would utilize one of our many tube bundle extractors.  Once the tubes are free, the technician will need to remove them from the frame. This can be done using a variety of tools, including a wrench or pliers, however, a team of professionals will need to move the tubes from the frame together.

Inspecting For Repairs

Once the covers and bundle tubes are removed, the technician will need to inspect the heat exchanger for damage. This includes inspection and testing looking for tube leaks, tube-to-tube sheet leaks, corrosion, erosion, mechanical damage, broken tubes, and other issues.

Common Heat Exchanger Damage Issues

Damage to the tubes can cause the heat exchanger to fail. Failed Broken tubes will also cause the exchanger to leak process fluids from one side to the other, cross-contaminating streams. hot fluid, which can cause extensive damage to equipment and property. Other common issues discovered that can arise during the inspection process include:

●        Tube-to-tube sheet weld cracks Cracks in the pipe

●        Excessive tube erosion, corrosion, and/or fouling

●        Bent or damaged baffles, skid barsFaulty welds

●        Mechanical or corrosive damage to flange sealing surfaces Damaged insulation

●        Gasket failures Damaged seals

Repairing and Replacing Re-Installing Tube Bundles

Once the technician has inspected the heat exchanger and determined that it needs repairs, they will need to replace the tubes. This process can be done using a variety of tools, including a welder, a pipe bender, and a fabricator.  Damaged tube bundles may have individual tubes plugged so that leakage is stopped and the exchanger is suitable for reuse.  However, serious mechanical or corrosion damage may require that the tube bundle is re-tubed or replaced entirely.  Damaged flanges can be repaired with welding and machining to restore the sealing surface to like-new condition.

A team will start with the frame of the heat exchanger and work their way down. The team will use the same tools to replace the tubes as they removed them. Once the tubes are replaced, the technician will re-install the bolts and tighten them to ensure that the heat exchanger is secure. Re-tubes can be performed on-site, but are generally more cost-effective when done at our shop.  New bundles can be fabricated in our shop on an emergency basis if needed. 

Get Professional Boilermaker Turnaround and Heat Exchanger Services from Altex

At Altex, we understand the importance of quality boilermaker turnaround services for heat exchangers. We have a team of experienced technicians who can quickly diagnose the issue and provide the necessary repairs for boilers and heat exchangers.

Trust and safety are at the forefront of our priorities, and we have been performing boilermaker services since 2001. We provide services for:

●     Heat exchanger planning, scheduling, and turnaround management services.

●     Shell & Tube heat exchangers

●     Air-Cooled heat exchangers

●     Boilermaker, Pipefitter, Labour, and supervisory services

●     Boiler maintenance and repair, package boilers, power boilers, and recovery boiler shutdown.

●     OTSG and HRSG maintenance and repair

● Tower and pressure vessel services, including heavy lift, erection, revamps, internals

● Engineering, technical, and troubleshooting support.

● Spare parts.

Contact us today for more information and to learn about our boiler and heat exchanger services.

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